Sunday Services:
8:30, 9:45, & 11:00am
Mill Walk Mall - 2737 Cantrell Road Harrisonville, MO 64701
Whether it’s your first or fiftieth time, you’ll find Hope City Church to be a place where the hope of Jesus Christ permeates everything we do.
When you join us on a Sunday, you’ll find a welcoming atmosphere, vibrant worship, teaching from the Word of God, and family programs that inspire your children.
01 SCRIPTUREThe Bible informs our faith and practice. Our lives are born and built on the Word of God.
02 PRAYERPrayer moves the hand of God. Nothing we do happens outside of it.
03 COMMUNITYThe church is not a building; it’s a family. Kingdom relationships hold our lives together.
04 OUTREACHJesus came to seek and save the lost. We join Him in His mission.
05 GROWTHSpiritual growth is not an option. We pursue everything God has for us.
06 SERVINGWe live to serve and serve to live. Jesus is our ultimate example.
07 WORSHIPLife is dull without music! We seek to glorify God in song and also with our lives.
Find the most asked questions and their answers right here.
Our Pastors
Chad and Amy met as high school sweethearts in Cincinnati, Ohio and have been married 30 years. They have 3 beautiful girls and a beloved labradoodle. During three decades of ministry, Chad has served as youth pastor, worship pastor, associate pastor, church planter, campus pastor, and now as senior pastor.
He was raised in West Africa by missionaries and carries his master’s degree in pastoral leadership from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. His life verse is Romans 8:28 and his life calling is to, “translate God’s Word to this generation.”
about my
Our kids’ ministry exists to raise up the next generation of passionate Jesus followers! Each week, these future world-changers grow more in love with God, His word, and His house through interactive lessons and of course… fun!